World-class education for every child

Empowering students, educators, and communities in Indianapolis and beyond

1800+ new teachers
50+ schools launched
83% fellows of color
$186M+ for public schools
Apply for a Fellowship! Indianapolis and Connecticut educators: Learn more about the Emerging Leaders Fellowship, North Star Fellowship, and School Launch Fellowship.
Learn more and apply

The Mind Trust invests in public education to transform lives in Indianapolis, across Indiana, and beyond. We work toward a day when race and income are no longer predictors of life outcomes.

Our non-partisan goal is clear:
Ensuring children in Indianapolis and in communities across the country have access to an excellent education, in pursuit of a day when race and income are no longer predictors of life outcomes.

We believe

  • Our education system has never effectively served Black, Latino, or low-income students.
  • All children can excel with great teachers and school leaders who are empowered with the autonomy to innovate and make decisions at the school and classroom levels.
  • Neighborhoods and communities most impacted by educational disparities must be the ones to drive systemic changes in our educational system.