Indiana SAT 2022: College-Readiness in Marion County
This spring, all Indiana juniors were required to take the SAT, which has replaced the ISTEP+. All Indiana sophomores used to take ISTEP+ each year. Indiana is one of ten states that administers the SAT as a high school accountability exam. Nearly 77,000 Indiana students took the SAT in spring 2022, compared to 22,886 in 2021.
Indiana SAT score benchmarks for college-readiness
The SAT has two sections: Evidence-Based Reading & Writing and Math. To help educators, families, and students understand SAT test results, the state approved three levels of performance:
Level 1: Below College-Ready Benchmark
The student demonstrates limited knowledge, application, and analytical skills and they may require significant support for college readiness.
- Math: Score between 200 – 450
- Reading & Writing: Score between 200 – 440
Level 2: Approaching College-Ready Benchmark
The student nearly demonstrates essential knowledge, application, and analytical skills and they may require additional support for college readiness.
- Math: Score between 460 – 520
- Reading & Writing: Score between 450 – 470
Level 3: At College-Ready Benchmark
The student demonstrates the essential knowledge, application, and analytical skills for college readiness.
- Math: Score between 530 – 800
- Reading & Writing: Score between 480 – 800
Statewide, more students scored at the college-ready level for reading & writing than for math.

Marion County results: charter and innovation students more college-ready
There are 11 public school districts in Marion County. The state published SAT results that show the number of students who are at each level of college-readiness. To see all IDOE SAT data reports, download them here.
Evidence-Based Reading & Writing results
More students in Marion County scored At College-Ready on the Evidence-Based Reading & Writing test than on the Math portion of the test. The reading & writing test measures reading comprehension, analysis skills, and writing skills that are needed for college success.
Within Indianapolis Public Schools’ boundaries:
- 9 of the top 10 high schools for Black student reading & writing college-readiness are charter and innovation schools.
- 7 of the top 10 schools for Latino student reading & writing college-readiness are charter or innovation schools.
In Marion County:
- 7 of the top 10 schools for Black student reading & writing college-readiness in Marion County are charter or innovation schools.
- Students at innovation high schools outperformed 8 of the 11 Marion County school districts in reading and writing.
- Black students at innovation high schools outperformed state, township, and Marion County reading and writing college-ready averages.
- Black students at innovation high schools outperformed 10 of the 11 Marion County school districts in reading and writing.

The math portion of the SAT test measures if a student can demonstrate the appropriate level of college-ready math knowledge in areas like algebra, trigonometry, data analysis, and more. These concepts should be taught in Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and Pre-Calculus classes in high school.
Within IPS boundaries:
- 9 of the top 10 schools for Black student math college-readiness are charter or innovation schools.
- 4 of the top 5 schools for Latino student math college-readiness are charter or innovation schools.
In Marion County:
- 6 of the top 10 high schools in Marion County for Black student math college-readiness are charter or innovation schools.
- Innovation school students outperformed the Marion County average for math college-readiness.
- Innovation school students outperformed 7 of the 11 Marion County districts in math college-readiness.
- Black students at innovation schools outperformed 9 of the 11 Marion County districts in math college-readiness.
- Black students at innovation schools outperformed the state, township, and Marion County average college-readiness rate.

As Indiana faces a decrease in students who are entering and graduating from college, it is imperative that we provide students with the support and academic rigor needed to be academically ready for college. Studies show that students who need remediation are less likely to earn a college degree.
The 2022 SAT results should be used as a baseline by all school types to understand how well their students are prepared for college-level material.
The Mind Trust is proud to support the growing number of Indianapolis charter and innovation schools that are offering a high-quality education to thousands of Marion County students. While there is still improvement to be made, we are grateful for the educators, families, and community members who continue to work toward student success.