Press Releases |
July 11, 2017
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Press Releases |
July 6, 2017
The Mind Trust names fourth class of Innovation School Fellows to help create, transform city’s public schools
Local|Op-eds |
July 6, 2017
Tully: ‘Changing the world,’ one school at a time
Press Releases |
May 31, 2017
The Mind Trust announces $1.6 million in awards to current and new public schools in Indianapolis
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May 22, 2017
Training overhaul aimed at big IPS shortfall: Just 1 in 4 student teachers stick around.
Press Releases |
May 11, 2017
Two Indy schools selected for cohort to reimagine K-12 learning
Op-eds |
April 20, 2017
Harris: Lawmakers must invest in IPS success
Op-eds |
April 20, 2017
Harris: For school choice to work nationally, the Trump administration must first invest locally
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April 20, 2017